We met college over 15 years ago. Brian was the RA of our floor and I was a doe-eyed freshman charmed by his inability to hold a brief dorm meeting. What should have taken 5 minutes took an hour from all the stories and tangents he interjected in. Everyone else hated them, but it was my chance to admire Brian from afar. I never had the courage to ask him out, so I would stay till the very end hoping he would strike up a conversation with me. I had to wait until the end of the second semester to talk to him! Weeks before moving out, he approached me. My heart was racing. He asked me how my year was and what my plans were for the summer. He then teased how I would stay for his meetings but not say a word. Brian always knew that I liked him. But as an RA, he explained that he had to wait until the summer to ask me out which is why he avoided me all this time! The summer could not have come soon enough. We went on our first date the day after the semester ended when he was longer my RA. We’ve been together since. I don’t know why it took him so long to propose. I guess this whole time he was still going off on tangents telling stories and waiting for the right moment. I didn’t care. At least he was doing it with me.