I proposed to Candice on June 10th, 2017. It was the best day of our lives, even without the proposal it would have been, haha. We were in Australia for my best friend’s wedding. I had already gotten the ring, and brought it with me to Australia, but I still hadn’t figured out how I would do it. I came up with the best idea ever!!! Propose under water. Candice has always wanted to go scuba diving, so I had planned the perfect proposal under water. I spoke to our scuba instructor in private and told him to allow me to carry a ring with me underwater, and to also make sure to click many photos of us. Candice had literally no idea, not the slightest hint of the proposal. In fact just to throw her off, I told her I was thinking to get engaged with her next summer. I could tell she was kind of sad but I knew what was going to happen during the trip J. So finally we went under water and when she least expected it, there I was with the ring. The look on her face was just wow. It truly was special.